Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Bus stops

So, I'm driving to work today, a bit later than usual since I'm in training. Normally, this would be a good thing, but what I've discovered is that that is not the case.

You see, the road on which I work also has an elementary school. This week, I seem to be getting to the road just in time to be behind the bus.

Normally, this wouldn't be a problem; however, it's where the bus is stopping that is really getting on my nerves.

There are two houses, the first of the two being 100 yards from the school driveway and the second being maybe 20 yards away. The bus stops at both of these driveways. Let me repeat that...the school bus stops two separate times and picks up children at two separate houses; both of which are less than a football field away from the school itself. Oh and did I mention that the houses are on the same side of the road as the school? Oh yeah, and also, these kids have to cross the street to get on the bus.

People, this is getting out of control. I mean, this makes no sense at all. One of the parents (the one who lives literally next door to the school) actually walks his children across the street to get on the bus. Why doesn't he just walk them to the school???

Or, a better question I think is why isn't there just one spot for the bus to stop? Back in the day, if you lived on a cul-de-sac, the bus stopped at the end of the damn road and every kid that lived in the circle was expected to wait in the same spot. Does the bus really need to be stopping twice within a football field distance from the school itself? Argh!!!

1 comment:

Josh said...

i agree with you sir. i used ot have to walk to the end of my road to catch the bus. now they stop at everyones house. its re-god-damn-fucking-diculous.