Thursday, August 03, 2006

Rediscovering an old friend

Back in the day; OK, five years ago; I worked at a company that sold Linux software. Yes, *sold* Linux software. You see now why I no longer work there.

Anyhoo...working there, I obviously got very into Linux. Specifically Mandrake Linux at that point. Things were a bit rough around the edges in that day, but I loved it. The mere fact that there was a "degree of difficult" in getting things set up just so was part of the fun.

However, for various reasons (not the least of which being that I'm a PC gamer), I haven't used Linux on a daily basis since I left that company. That stops today. Why? Glad you asked.

The answer, quite simply, is Dapper Drake. Ubuntu 6.06 to be exact. Never have I seen a slicker, more user-friendly version of Linux. This makes the old versions of Linux look archaic. Hell, this makes Windows XP look archaic. The ease of the install, (on a laptop with a wireless card that I have heretofore not been able to get working, no less) is amazing. Never before have I seen a "try before you install" OS. Ubuntu 6 lets you do it. The Live CD is the install CD. It's great!

Of course, I can still dig around in the back-end just like back in the day if I feel like it. The only difference now is that I don't need to. Fantastic.

So, here I sit, hanging with my old friend, Linux. Anyone who ever wanted to try Linux but thought it was too complicated or only for is the time. Ubuntu 6 is actually easier than Windows to install. I can't recommend it highly enough.

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